January 19th, 2017Women in the Open Water (Panel Discussion)
In 2016, several amazing Northwest women swimmers made news doing the nearly impossible. This forum will highlight their triumphant stories. Whether you dream of swimming in the open water yourself or simply want to learn more about this challenging sport, you are invited for a memorable evening.
FREE, and open to all, this event is the first in a series of Springtime educational offerings.
When: Friday, March 24th, 2017
Where: C&P Coffee, Seattle
Our generous panelists are:
- Wendy Van De Sompele (circumnavigated Maury Island, WA)
- Erika Norris (swam from Bremerton to Seattle)
- Jessi Harewicz (swam the Georgia Strait, Canada)
- Melissa Kegler (swam the Catalina Channel and is preparing to conquer the English Channel in 2017)
Say Yes to Life Swims is the Northwest’s only business providing Escorted Open Water Swim Adventures.
Sign up for the Say Yes to Life Swims Newsletter for tips and techniques to improve your open water swimming. See you in March!
March 24th, 2017 at 4:17 pm
Hello saw advertised on west seattle blog this event which I won’t be making but wanted to share that I recalled a relative of my family in the early 1900s was the or one of the first persons to swim across I belive width of Lake Washington. Shared this website with my Dad hope he reaches out to you all. Her name was Mable French who swam lake washington. David French
March 26th, 2017 at 11:13 am
David, that is the coolest! Thanks for sharing a little bit of Seattle open water swimming history with us. I hope to someday meet your Dad to chat about Mable’s great adventure!